Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why I Won't Ever be Elected to Office

There are a variety of reasons for which I will never be elected to political office. The most obvious being that I am not popular. Yes, it does matter as elections are (at their core) popularity contests. I accepted my lack of popularity at an early age and while I think I'm no longer at the very bottom of the social ladder, I'm still not at the top. Secondly, I realize that my political leanings aren't exactly "mainline" or "electable." Socialism is pretty alright with me, although I subscribe to a more Marxist take on it. Capitalism, eh. Gun-rights: no f***ing way (to be blunt). When it comes to international relations let's get on board with Sweden and Switzerland.

But let's look beyond the two glaring reasons from above and look at the little decision that would get me noosed at a Tea Party Rally for treason: I have made the choice not to say the Pledge of Allegiance anymore. I honestly cannot look at the American flag and in all good conscience give my allegiance to the country. The recent victories of Tea Party candidates hammered the last nail into a long developing coffin.

Now, it's not that I don't like living in America. Compared to a lot of places in the world, we have it really good. No oppressive religious regime (pretty much), basically freedom of the press and right to congregate, good standard of living, etc. Those ideals were fan-freaking-tastic back in the 18th century. Everyone else was all monarchical and here comes this young thing being all "pish you monarchies, we're going to get all democratic-bill of rights on you, wut?" So much potential. I kinda see America as the high school student destined for greatness. The one that was in leadership positions, valedictorian, did volunteer services, full ride to college- the one that had so much potential in front of him. Then, ten years later, you find out that he is working as a fry cook at Jack-in-the-Box and you just have to stop and wonder what happened. Sadly, it was probably drugs and now his mind is scrambled and he has nothing better to do than waste his life away getting high on daily basis. That's America.

What happened American? You had so much potential. Now you're economy is in shambles, your international policy seems to be based more on military policy than anything else, you have a health system that is electing to do away with child only coverage because, heaven forbid, a child might have a preexisting condition and need health care. And the worst part is that the loudest political voice right now is that of what I would deem insane, except that might be an insult to the insane. Seriously, the Tea Party? Let's take an already failing political system and instead of trying to elect people that will actually attempt to work together and start backing the radicals that won't even try. Or the ones that somehow think that bringing Christian values back into the government will fix things. Even the earliest political leaders didn't think so. Even I, as a seminary student, think this is a problem.

So no, I will not say the Pledge. I will not give allegiance to a failed country. Like with the drug addict, the best way to help is to stop enabling it. At the same time, barring certain changes, I won't be fleeing to Canada because running away isn't the solution.

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