Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Daytime Television

This entry is going to be rather random as my thoughts are jumbled together in my cold-medicine ridden, fevered mind.

Anyway, the point is, daytime television is a lot less predictable than I remember it being. When I was younger the day could easily be marked by what was on television. Not so anymore it seems. Yesterday at 9 am and 10 am "A Haunting" was on Discovery Channel. Today, after dragging my sick self back home from school, I turn on Discovery Channel expecting to see "A Haunting" because it is 10 am. No bueno. Some show about termites was on. And not the entertaining exterminator show either, but some educational show about termites. Or ants. I don't remember.

Where is the continuity? Even the commercials are less predictable. Except the Snuggie-Macarena commercial. That thing is on pretty regularly. But yeah, daytime television is no longer a valid reason to want to stay home during the day unless you purposefully figure out what is going to be on and when.

I bought a whistle today. Did you know that the current war in the DR of the Congo is the deadliest war in history? And that the child soldiers that are too small to carry guns are given whistles and sent to the front line? There's a non-profit that sells whistles and 100% of the profit or whatever go to help rehabilitate child soldiers and other children in war-torn areas. I'm pretty excited about getting a whistle.

Glee tonight is about God. I like it so far, especially since Puck sang a Billy Joel song (about time someone sung a Billy Joel song). Now I really wish that I had the Glee Season 1 DVD- and more money to buy Glee songs.

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