Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I couldn't think of a better title for today, so I suppose the something obvious like the day of the week will have to suffice. It's been a rough day. Our Hebrew midterm is on Thursday and I should be studying, but I don't have the will to study right now which probably indicates that anything I did study would go in one ear and out the other. The obvious second choice of activities would be to journal/blog/write. There isn't really anything that interesting enough to write about, but at least I'll feel more productive.

The underlying problem is that I just don't feel motivated to do anything at the moment. It isn't a "wow I'm tired of school" or "I'm so overwhelmed" demotivation, I just don't want to do anything other than go home and curl up in my bed and sleep. Which is ridiculous because for once I've gotten enough sleep several nights in a row. The feeling is more of a sad tired, and I don't know why, but it's not being helpful when I logically know that I need to get stuff done.

Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow. Regardless, I have to learn my Hebrew paradigms. Thankfully Friday is a no-school, fall break day. Part of me wants to go home for homecoming but I don't think that I will. There's a strong enough part that doesn't want to go home that I think I won't. If I hadn't gone to Houston last weekend, and if I hadn't seen everyone at Laura's wedding, and if I thought there would be anything eventful other than a football game that Rice will lose then maybe I would go home. But all of those things are true.

1 comment:

  1. I am having a similar just total lack of motivation.

    I think mine might be an overwhelmed-demotivation and a sick-of-school-demotivation. I just want it. I feel like I've worked so long and so hard to be a vet that I've earned it already. Come on, guys! 2 more years? Really?
